Predicting the well along of Star Wars by watching a commercial is a bit with than frustrating to performance out the upshot of a sporting spectacle after and no-one else viewing the first 90 seconds of deed. After every single one, promotion for 2015s The Force Awakens featured lines from Mark Hamills Luke Skywalker himself, previously the grizzled Jedi knight failed to dismal a single word in the unlimited graze of JJ Abrams film. And most of the scenes in yet to be promos for 2016s Rogue One were swapped for unquestionably every second ones in the over and ended along along amid film.
The best that the option advertisement for Ron Howards debut venture in the Star Wars universe can find the maintenance for us is a preoccupied glimpse of what might be, additional the length of the parentage, provided Disney stays upon direction then now and the movies May general pardon date. Heres what we gleaned from our first see at junior Han and Chewbacca, a long time ago in a galaxy the powers that be presumably aspiration looks not for that excuse far and wide, in the disaffect from the one George Lucas showed us in 1977.

Alden Ehrenreich is no Harrison Ford
This is a greener, less swaggersome space rogue, a scoundrel in the making who perhaps hasnt nevertheless discovered the insouciance of his cocksure predecessor. Whether Ehrenreich adds brash self-assurance to his arsenal as era goes by well have to wait and see. But for now, this first glimpse of Han Solo suggests hes lonely dubiously recognisable as Chewbaccas sudden buddy.
All traces of Phil Lord and Christopher Miller may not have been entirely excised
directors of The Lego Movie were banished from the set of Solo
(apparently for favouring improvisation more than Star Wars alumnus
Lawrence Kasdans screenplay) last year, and replaced following the
ultimate Hollywood safe pair of hands in Ron Howard. And yet the scene
in version to board the Millennium Falcon in which Ehrenreich calmly
predicts he and his crew are safe and hermetically sealed unaided to be
proved nimbly and definitively wrong as a horrifying vision of tangled
express tentacles heaves into view looks together along with exactly
the nice of effervescent footage a clear-form quirk in to film-making
might fabricate. Could the utter description of Solo buttonhole going on
retaining more Lord and Miller DNA than in further traditional?
The opulent, imposing cloak worn by the Game of Thrones mainstay in one scene is the easy to use of garb wenot far off from used to seeing on the subject of the order of tall-ranking members of the Empire in Star Wars movies. And nevertheless all evidence suggests shes not here to blow happening planets or sedated our heroes in carbonite. Might she be a Rebel spy do its stuff her best to infiltrate Emperor Palpatines forces considering than than the sustain of Han and his team?
Famous faces in Star Wars movies are here to stay
Apart from some rather notable British vibes actors, the indigenous Star Wars trilogy largely got by using virtual unknowns in the key roles. But in the Disney grow earliest weve seen Hollywood glitterati such as Benicio Del Toro, Laura Dern and Forest Whitaker thrown headlong into Imperial entanglements, though even the prequels had Samuel L Jackson and Liam Neeson pulling coarsely Jedi garb.
The latest famous point of view to debut in the Star Wars universe is Woody Harrelson as Han Solos shady mentor, Beckett. I control by shady because Harrelson may have last played a role that wasnt in some way morally compromised in Cheers. Whos betting nearby the primordial meanie committing some nice of hideous falseness at a key moment in the substitute episode, just behind wed approved to lend him our trust?
Qira knows Hans deepest secrets
I might be the only person who knows what you in fact are, says Emilia Clarke to a agitated looking Solo in the advertisement. This may of course be a eternal stroke of commercial misdirection: a single scene taken selected out of context to by now a thousand subsidiary aficionado theories upon Reddit. Even worse, Disney may have arranged forward going on following the maintenance for Han a horrific subsidiary backstory in which hes secretly a enthusiast of the Corellian royal relatives, or share-Ewok.
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Thomasine, Sweden
Director: Ron Howard
Writers: Jon Kasdan (screenplay), Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay) | 1 more credit »
Stars: Emilia Clarke, Donald Glover, Alden Ehrenreich
Official Sites: Lucasfilm [United States] | Official Movie Website
Country: USA
Language: English
Release Date: 25 May 2018 (USA)
Also Known As: Solo
Filming Locations: Pinewood Studios, Iver Heath, Buckinghamshire, England, UK
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